Minggu, 30 November 2014

PDF⋙ Bible Prayers for Bedtime (Bedtime Bible Stories) by Jane Landreth

Bible Prayers for Bedtime (Bedtime Bible Stories) by Jane Landreth

Bible Prayers for Bedtime (Bedtime Bible Stories)

Bible Prayers for Bedtime (Bedtime Bible Stories) by Jane Landreth PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

For spiritual "quality time" with your five - to eight-year-old children, check out Bible Prayers for Bedtime-going a step beyond the traditional Bible story book! More than five-dozen Bible prayers are included, in fun, easy-to-understand stories that your kids will love. From "The First Prayers" of Genesis 4, through the prayers of Moses, Deborah, David, Daniel, Jesus, Peter, and Paul, Bible Prayers for Bedtime explains prayer in ways that young hearts can grasp. Each chapter is accompanied by full-color illustration and design, making Bible Prayers for Bedtime an ideal book for learning and fun.

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