Aurora Monster Scenes - The Most Controversial Toys of a Generation by Dennis., Andrew P. Yanchus Prince
Aurora Monster Scenes - The Most Controversial Toys of a Generation by Dennis., Andrew P. Yanchus Prince PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
At last - the full story about the most infamous toys of the boomer generation. Monster Scenes, intended as an exciting and innovative model kit series in 1971, touched off a firestorm of parental outrage and public protest. Its makers meant to deliver an interactive series of adaptable figures and playsets based on classic monster movies. The marketing angle, however, touted apparent sex and sadism, going so far as to promote the series as "Rated X...for Excitement," all pitched at children 8 years and up. Oops!Now read the full account of this unusual set of model kits, from its initial inspiration, through its ever-changing development, and through its battles with parent organizations, women's advocacy organizations, and toy safety watchdogs. It was a series that unwittingly toppled the long-proud Aurora Plastics Corporation, this through a series of missteps and misunderstandings.Written and presented by the men behind the Monster Scenes, then and now. Andrew P. Yanchus, original Aurora Project Manager in 1971, opens his vault of artifacts and doles out his first-hand anecdotes of the series that went so wrong. Dennis L. Prince, present-day purveyor of Monster Scenes, leaves no stone unturned in his quest to tell the complete story, dispel myths that have surrounded it, and surprise readers with fateful truths that are truly stranger than fiction.If you're ready to know everything about this oft-cited debacle in the toy & hobby industry, you're ready for Aurora Monster Scenes - The Most Controversial Toys of a Generation.From reader reviews:
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