Off-Roader Driving, Edition 1.2 by Tom Sheppard
Off-Roader Driving, Edition 1.2 by Tom Sheppard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Edition 1.2 comprises the same 2000 edition main book (with new jacket), now shrink-wrapped with a 24pp Peripherals Update Supplement for 2005. This main book, itself based around the sell-out two editions of THE LAND ROVER EXPERIENCE, was hailed by the US magazine Four Wheeler as ".. one of the most comprehensive books on off-pavement driving ever produced ... ". OFF-ROADER DRIVING is not confined to particular brands and marques and includes a distillation and clarification of the multiplicity of four-wheel drive systems and trade names - ' ... the most important Section in the whole book ... ' (especially so with the new Supplement) - together with buying choice parameters. It caters also for those who never go off road but need to know important information about their four-wheel drive system and what makes their carry-all family vehicles different from a saloon car. The book includes a uniquely incisive and straightforward analysis of the dynamics of trailer towing in commonsense terms and analogies - a role for which many 4x4s are purchased. A large proportion of the book is devoted to a methodical, step-by-step and comprehensive look at all aspects of using a 4x4 off-road - safely and non-damagingly to either the vehicle or the environment. For novices, it takes the mystique out of off-roading not only with its content but with its comprehensive glossary. For professionals it offers valuable techniques and rarely seen advice.From reader reviews:
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