Senin, 06 April 2015

PDF⋙ Two-Hour Quilted Christmas Projects by Cheri Saffiote

Two-Hour Quilted Christmas Projects by Cheri Saffiote

Two-Hour Quilted Christmas Projects

Two-Hour Quilted Christmas Projects by Cheri Saffiote PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

40 projects that feature homespun sayings intended to warm and inspire are included in this book. The projects include: a keep your heart merry pillow; a snowman stocking ornament; a framed raggedy angel; and a patchwork Christmas quilt. Illustrated instructions cover each type of quilted projects and a variety of stitches, including applique, blanket, button-hole, cross, French knots, herringbone, lazy daisy, satin, stem and straight.

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