Intimacy from the Inside Out: Courage and Compassion in Couple Therapy by Toni Herbine-Blank, Donna M. Kerpelman, Martha Sweezy
Intimacy from the Inside Out: Courage and Compassion in Couple Therapy by Toni Herbine-Blank, Donna M. Kerpelman, Martha Sweezy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Couples in distress enter therapy holding two goals that they now experience as mutually exclusive: to feel loved and to feel understood. Toni Herbine-Blank’s powerful new brand of couple therapy, Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO), offers a comprehensive conceptual map for achieving both goals. In a tour de force of elegant case illustrations wrapped around clear instruction, this book shows the IFIO therapist working with the natural subdivisions – or parts – of the human mind in a dyad, guiding and supporting couples to understand how they project childhood injury into current relationships and then, feeling threatened, frustrated and angry, lose track of their underlying needs to feel safe, connected and loved. With a focus on generating internal attachment stability to sustain each partner through the moments when the other is unavailable, couples in IFIO therapy reconnect with their essential needs, change their conversations and learn to make requests that invite rather than threaten in order to get those needs met.
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