Implantable Electronic Medical Devices by Dennis Fitzpatrick
Implantable Electronic Medical Devices by Dennis Fitzpatrick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Implantable Electronic Medical Devices provides a thorough review of the application of implantable devices, illustrating the techniques currently being used together with overviews of the latest commercially available medical devices. This book provides an overview of the design of medical devices and is a reference on existing medical devices.
The book groups devices with similar functionality into distinct chapters, looking at the latest design ideas and techniques in each area, including retinal implants, glucose biosensors, cochlear implants, pacemakers, electrical stimulation therapy devices, and much more. Implantable Electronic Medical Devices equips the reader with essential background knowledge on the application of existing medical devices as well as providing an introduction to the latest techniques being used.
- A catalogue of existing implantable electronic medical devices
- Up-to-date information on the design of implantable electronic medical devices
- Background information and reviews on the application and design of up-to-date implantable electronic medical devices
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