Oxorn Foote Human Labor and Birth, Sixth Edition by Glenn Posner, Amanda Black, Griffith Jones, Jessica Dy
Oxorn Foote Human Labor and Birth, Sixth Edition by Glenn Posner, Amanda Black, Griffith Jones, Jessica Dy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A Doody's Core Title for 2015!
Edition after acclaimed edition, Oxorn-Foote Human Labor & Birth has provided the most comprehensive, yet accessible overview of obstetrics available. Going beyond scientific theory and a technological orientation, this landmark guide is written for the real world of clinical practice, as it expertly examines all mechanisms of human labor and delivery.
The book begins with a valuable review of clinical anatomy, then thoroughly examines the three stages of labor, with a focus on proper management and birthing techniques. Specific guidance on the full spectrum of complications and delivery situations, including Cesareansection, breech presentation, transverse lie, umbilical cord issues, dystocia, and more are also presented. A final section addresses such critical concerns as preterm labor, antepartum hemorrhage, and maternal and fetal complications in labor.
- NEW! Full-color design with hundreds of original, skill-sharpening illustrations
- NEW! Insightful, timely chapter on the challenges of obesity in pregnancy
- NEW! Essential coverage of modern techniques for the management of postpartum hemorrhage
- NEW! Expanded review of multiple pregnancy
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